
We Offer The Below Brand Identity Solutions

our brand is the message your business is trying to communicate with your people. It is imperative that you devise a perfect brand identity that will fit in your business message, intention and goals such that it will stay etched to your consumer’s mind. This is what exactly we do at Acodez. Crafting branding ideas that will connect people and businesses.

Logos and Visual Identity

your logo is not your brand. It’s a powerful symbol for your brand.

A perfectly designed logo is the first step to ensuring a beautiful brand identity is established with your consumers. Our team of brand design experts will take into account your business requirements and customize a perfect logo for you.

Style Guide

A style guide will provide all of the necessary details for consistent branding in one central document.

This should serve as a hub for your marketing department, agency partners and relevant internal stakeholders to get clear insights into what is expected for every published and distributed piece of work. Because of this, it should cover, among other items:

Brand Collateral

Brand collaterals are basically add-ons to your brand identity design.

Brand Collateral is the collection of media used to promote the brand and support the sales and marketing of a product or service. It’s the tangible evidence of the brand, designed congruent with the brands core values and personality.

Corporate Identity

What is Corporate Identity?

Corporate Identity is a complete company graphic solution which you use to present yourself to your potential clients. Its main feature is a style that is recognizable in each corporate identity graphic design element. Corporate identity consists of 3 main elements and several secondary ones, the first being logo, business card and memorandum.

Business & Advertising

Advertising uses every possible media to get its message through

Creating print design solutions that communicate your brand to your target audience through the language of print We have ample of experience in creating designs in print, regardless of your industry sector.